The online exhibition for abstract, abstracted and modern paintings
Online exhibition for modern paintings
Atelier Landfort
Painted by Atelier Landfort
The Netherlands


Renaissance painted by Atelier Landfort

Artprint op aluminium
Een digitale bewerking van eigen geschilderd werk, afgedrukt op aluminium.

Painted by
Atelier Landfort


Total size
40 x 60 cm

Created on
June 2022

Main colors
Grey / Red / White

For sale

€ 119,-

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Art impression
A global impression of the painting "Renaissance" 40x60cm.

Other paintings by Atelier Landfort

Figures -zittende figuur
14,5 x 22,5 cm

Een boog van mozaïk
64 x 103 cm

70 x 100 cm

Soil - a touch of gold
30 x 30 cm

Soil - touch of gold
30 x 30 cm

Out of the Box
160 x 80 cm

Soil - Grow
90 x 90 cm

Blue spirit
50 x 70 cm

Figures - Dress Up
14,5 x 22,5 cm

Flowers yellow
50 x 70 cm