The online exhibition for abstract, abstracted and modern paintings
Online exhibition for modern paintings
Andre Claeys
Painted by Andre Claeys


Schoonheid painted by Andre Claeys

Schoonheid mijn lievelings tablau olieverf schildeij

Painted by
Andre Claeys


Total size
70 x 80 cm

Created on
February 2018

Main colors
Orange / Purple / Red

For sale

€ 450,-

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Art impression
A global impression of the painting "Schoonheid" 70x80cm.

Other paintings by Andre Claeys

Boterham eten
40 x 50 cm

De sixs
40 x 50 cm

Streepjes vrouw
50 x 60 cm

Opa met kleindochter aan zee
60 x 70 cm

Mauriske de duivemelker
50 x 60 cm

Lyly parker
50 x 60 cm

Abstract heerschap Acril schilderij
60 x 70 cm

De kalvarieberg
40 x 50 cm

Lopend hondje
20 x 20 cm

Olieverf schilderij
50 x 60 cm