The online exhibition for abstract, abstracted and modern paintings
Online exhibition for modern paintings
Andre Claeys
Painted by Andre Claeys


Abstract painted by Andre Claeys

De stam van notelaar met zware tinten magnefieke kleuren epos weliswaar klein formaat maar het zegt iets

Painted by
Andre Claeys


Total size
40 x 40 cm

Created on
April 2018

Main colors
Brown / Orange / Red

For rent

€ 120,-

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Art impression
A global impression of the painting "Abstract" 40x40cm.

Other paintings by Andre Claeys

Lopend hondje
20 x 20 cm

Lovely dog
30 x 30 cm

Fotonemen op de markt ieper
60 x 70 cm

Tyles setter 2020
20 x 20 cm

Abstrackt landschap
70 x 80 cm

Marlene der blauwe engel
30 x 40 cm

De trouwe hond
40 x 50 cm

Andre hazes
40 x 50 cm

Ecoline op doek kleuren koe
50 x 60 cm

Wangen pnijper
40 x 50 cm