The online exhibition for abstract, abstracted and modern paintings
Online exhibition for modern paintings
Herold Boertjens
Painted by Herold Boertjens
The Netherlands

Before you

Before you painted by Herold Boertjens

Acryl op canvas.
Inclusief white-wash lijst

Painted by
Herold Boertjens


Total size
70 x 50 cm

Created on
February 2017

Main colors
Cyan / Grey / Orange

For sale

€ 600,-

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Art impression
A global impression of the painting "Before you" 70x50cm.

Other paintings by Herold Boertjens

New Frontiers
70 x 70 cm

If I was a Storm II
90 x 70 cm

Striking a Chord
30 x 30 cm

Once the Smoke Cleared
40 x 40 cm

Warped Perspective
180 x 100 cm

Not the same anymore
70 x 50 cm

Nature's way
180 x 140 cm

Dream of life ahead
80 x 80 cm

Waves of progression
40 x 120 cm

Taken by Darkness
41,5 x 61 cm