The online exhibition for abstract, abstracted and modern paintings
Online exhibition for modern paintings
Herold Boertjens
Painted by Herold Boertjens
The Netherlands

Taken by Darkness

Taken by Darkness painted by Herold Boertjens

Acrylverf op paneel. Gemengde technieken

Painted by
Herold Boertjens


Total size
41,5 x 61 cm

Created on
July 2018

Main colors
Yellow / Red / Black

For sale

€ 400,-

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Art impression
A global impression of the painting "Taken by Darkness" 41,5x61cm.

Other paintings by Herold Boertjens

Dream of life ahead
80 x 80 cm

Striking a Chord
30 x 30 cm

Daybreak after a sleepless night
100 x 70 cm

New Frontiers
70 x 70 cm

Not Just Technical Issues
100 x 70 cm

Warped Perspective
180 x 100 cm

Imperfect angels
50 x 50 cm

Before you
70 x 50 cm

Meet me at the lakeside
100 x 60 cm

Unusual Heat
50 x 50 cm