The online exhibition for abstract, abstracted and modern paintings
Online exhibition for modern paintings
Judy Bakker
Painted by Judy Bakker
The Netherlands

Klein Squary

Klein Squary painted by Judy Bakker

Klein Squary zit in een lijst met gebroken witte passe partout en zit in een zwarte lijst waarvan de maat 44 bij 44 cm. is.
Squary zelf is 22 bij 22 cm. en de prijs is 175 euro.

Ons leven in hokjes ingedeeld, met af en toe ''afgeronde uitschieters'' !!!

Painted by
Judy Bakker


Total size
44 x 44 cm

Created on
September 2022

Main colors
Grey / White / Black


€ 175,-

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Art impression
A global impression of the painting "Klein Squary" 44x44cm.

Other paintings by Judy Bakker

57 x 72 cm

Yes, that's what I also like
100 x 100 cm

Yellow Insanity
90 x 70 cm

Multi Colore
100 x 100 cm

Sari Colour
100 x 120 cm

Black, Grey, White
100 x 100 cm

Two Yellows
100 x 100 cm

Happy Wintersun
100 x 120 cm

Quiet Aqua
80 x 80 cm

Red - Grey and White
100 x 100 cm