The online exhibition for abstract, abstracted and modern paintings
Online exhibition for modern paintings
Patrick van Haren
Painted by Patrick van Haren
The Netherlands

Music makes me lose Control

Music makes me lose Control painted by Patrick van Haren

Schilderij "Music makes me lose Control"
Acryl op linnen
Formaat 225 x 125 cm

Kunstenaar: Patrick van Haren

Painted by
Patrick van Haren


Total size
225 x 125 cm

Created on
November 2016

Main colors
Cyan / Yellow / Pink


€ 3.250,-

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Art impression
A global impression of the painting "Music makes me lose Control" 225x125cm.

Other paintings by Patrick van Haren

J'aime le Rouge
100 x 160 cm

Hand of Fatima
70 x 100 cm

Music is like Meditation
200 x 100 cm

African Style
100 x 160 cm

Angel Eyes
140 x 100 cm