The online exhibition for abstract, abstracted and modern paintings
Online exhibition for modern paintings
Herold Boertjens
Painted by Herold Boertjens
The Netherlands

Imperfect angels

Imperfect angels painted by Herold Boertjens

Acryl en ´goudstof´ op canvas

Twee imperfecte engelen.

Painted by
Herold Boertjens


Total size
50 x 50 cm

Created on
October 2014

Main colors
Grey / White / Black


€ 450,-

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Art impression
A global impression of the painting "Imperfect angels" 50x50cm.

Other paintings by Herold Boertjens

Blue Wish
100 x 100 cm

High Tide
120 x 80 cm

Aerial Structures
100 x 100 cm

Not Just Technical Issues
100 x 70 cm

Land Reclaimed
80 x 60 cm

Bending rules while taking a left turn
70 x 70 cm

Shallow Water Dance Ritual
80 x 60 cm

Daybreak after a sleepless night
100 x 70 cm

80 x 60 cm

Road to Ruin
70 x 50 cm