The online exhibition for abstract, abstracted and modern paintings
Online exhibition for modern paintings
Andre Claeys
Painted by Andre Claeys

Denkend kijkend meisje

Denkend kijkend meisje painted by Andre Claeys

Waar kijk je olieschilderij

Painted by
Andre Claeys


Total size
40 x 50 cm

Created on
May 2018

Main colors
Purple / Red

For sale

€ 200,-

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Art impression
A global impression of the painting "Denkend kijkend meisje" 40x50cm.

Other paintings by Andre Claeys

Zonder titel
20 x 20 cm

The farmer
70 x 50 cm

Opa met kleindochter aan zee
60 x 70 cm

Cobra styles olieverf schilderij
20 x 20 cm

Olieverf schilderij
50 x 60 cm

Street of newyork
60 x 50 cm

Abstrackt landschap
70 x 80 cm

De kalvarieberg
40 x 50 cm

40 x 50 cm

Mauriske de duivemelker
50 x 60 cm